Ep. 24 – Improving Your Visual Storytelling Skills With The Help of EditMentor with Misha Tenenbaum

September 28, 2021

Misha Tenenbaum from EditStock and EditMentor is my guest on episode 24 of the Hollywood Editing Mentor Podcast and he’s on the show to tell you how you can become a better visual storyteller, and also give some advice to those that have that entrepreneurial spirit and are interested in starting their own business.

EditMentor is more than just a tool to teach video editing. It’s a reimagining of how all digital creative arts should be taught…through hands-on, project-based practice that places the understanding of creative technique, not software, at the center of a learner’s educational experience.

Misha is the CEO and Founder of EditMentor and he started this project because he believes that after reading and writing, video editing is the world’s next literacy. So he’s on show today to tell us how EditMentor works and how it can help you to take your visual storytelling game to the next level.

We will also be discussing his journey from being an editor and assistant in Hollywood to becoming a business owner, how he overcame his fear of starting EditStock, how it’s important to pursue the path to what really is going to make you happy, the future of working from home in the post production industry, how the craft of editing is evolving, the EditMentor advance course taught by Stephen Mark, ACE (Deadwood, The X-Files, Sneaky Pete), and Misha will share advice for anyone trying to make a career transition or that is looking to start their entrepreneurial journey.

Other topics discussed in this episode include:

  • What motivated Misha to create EditStock
  • How Misha is shaping the post production industry     
  • What Misha misses the most about working in post production in Hollywood
  • How Misha got the idea to create EditMentor
  • The path to creating EditMentor
  • Overcoming challenges when trying to launch a business
  • The future of online learning
  • Thinking of editing not only as a highly specialized artistic field for professionals only, but also as a universal language 
  • Learning to be video literate

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Original Music: “Apollo’s Haze” and “Do You Want” by Jesusdapnk
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