Ep. 29 – Developing a Leadership Mindset and Learning To Be a Well-Rounded Filmmaker with Shane Hurlbut, ASC

May 9, 2022

Learning to be a leader and a well-rounded filmmaker are certainly two things that will help you stand out as an editor.

A big part of being an editor is having good leadership skills in order to motivate and enable others to contribute towards the success of a production. Also being more knowledgeable of other subjects like cinematography, screenwriting, directing, music composition, or sound design can help you communicate more effectively with other creatives and lead to a long-lasting, successful career. As Roger Nygard, ACE said in a previous episode of the podcast – “Don’t be an editor who cuts films, be a filmmaker who edits.”

My guest on episode 29 is director of photography Shane Hurlbut, ASC (THE RIM OF THE WORLD, TERMINATOR: SALVATION, WE ARE MARSHALL, NEED FOR SPEED) and he  shares advice on how you can become a better leader and also talks about his role as an educator through various online platforms including the Filmmakers Academy which he started last year.

I’m also excited to share that I have joined the Filmmakers Academy as their editing mentor, and it’s been great working with their team and the other mentors, and creating courses about the craft of editing so make sure to check it out today!

Some of the topics Shane and I will be discussing on the show today include the importance of developing resilience to thrive in this industry, the future of cinematography, overcoming challenges when trying to break into feature films, how to shine a spotlight on yourself and stand out from others, choosing the right projects to work on, the importance of having a significant other that supports your career goals, and we’ll hear all about the Filmmakers Academy!

Original Music: “Apollo’s Haze” and “Do You Want” by Jesusdapnk
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