Ep. 18 – Getting a Job After College and The Benefits of Having a Mentor with post production assistant Haylie Bantle

April 5, 2021

It’s almost the end of the school year and some college grads will be looking to start a career in editing or post production. My guest on episode 18 of the Hollywood Editing Mentor podcast is post production assistant Haylie Bantle, who was my first mentee of the Hollywood Editing Mentor program. Haylie graduated from college about a year ago right when the pandemic hit and was looking to pursue a career in post production in Hollywood. She signed up to work with me for eight sessions and before we got to finish all of our one-on-one virtual classes, she was able to find a job in Los Angeles in the middle of the pandemic while living in another city.

In this episode, Haylie and I talk about our experience working together and what she got out of this program, what steps she took to secure her first job in LA, developing effective networking strategies, the benefits of having a mentor, the things they don’t teach you in film school, tips for creating a great resume, the importance of looking out for your own interests, and what her life has been like now that she’s been living and working in Hollywood. Haylie also shares her biggest piece of advice for graduating students that are looking to begin their editing career.

Another great episode with a lot of practical information and real-life experiences that you can use to learn and develop strategies to start your own journey to achieving your career goals. SHARE THIS EPISODE with any students or recent college grads who are thinking about or looking to pursue a career in post production!

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Original Music: “Apollo’s Haze” by Jesusdapnk
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